Organize stores to prevent road accidents. And add channels to facilitate the pilgrims to travel in the new municipal year. The Asian side of the road late 32 Bangpahan.เว็บไซต์จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา
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Organize stores to prevent road accidents. And add channels to facilitate the pilgrims to travel in the new municipal year. The Asian side of the road late 32 Bangpahan.

ผู้เขียน:  นพวรรณ รื่นพล จาก อำเภอบางปะหัน
เมื่อวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557 เวลา 16:00 น.

 อ่าน 3,282


On December 2, 2557 at 09.00 am. Mr. PRACHAYA PEPATUNG, Chief District Officer, Bangpahun district. Jointly Police Bangpahun. And a division of the Bangkok - Ayutthaya to campaign for the assistance of the shops along the Asia street line No.32.  Ayutthaya To organize, store to prevent road accidents. And add channels to facilitate the pilgrims to travel in the new municipal year. The campaign to hold the hanging drop or stack to install anything on a county highway in any manner to obstruct or damage to vehicles. Alternatively, it can cause damage to the highway or inconvenience. This was to be the new store. And information about the location of the shop is already present. With the cooperation of all parties as well.

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